European Championship Volleyball
Thank you for supporting us!
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One step closer - Thank you! We are one step closer to Hungary! You will receive a thank you video from a player and a link to follow our daily update during the tournament (instagram/polarsteps).
27 donors
One training hour - Thank you! You will receive a recipe from Hungary, a thank you video from a player and a link to follow our daily update during the tournament (instagram/polarsteps).
21 donors
The price of a volleyball - Thank you! You will receive a playlist with the best volleyball play-in music, you will also receive a recipe from Hungary, a thank you video from a player and a link to follow our daily update during the tournament (instagram/polarsteps).
1 donor
One night in our hostel - Thank you! You will be mentioned on Instagram and you will receive a playlist with the best volleyball play-in music. You will also receive a recipe from Hungary, a thank you video from a player and a link to follow our daily update during the tournament (instagram/polarsteps).
4 donors
International transport for a player - Thank you very much! We invite you to a fun volleyball clinic! You will be mentioned on Instagram and you will receive a playlist with the best volleyball play-in music. You will also receive a recipe from Hungary, a thank you video from a player and a link to follow our daily update during the tournament (instagram/polarsteps).
4 donors